Recently, A paper named "Ultrahigh Energy Storage Performance of Lead-Free Oxide Multilayer Film Capacitors via Interface Engineering" is published in Advanced Materials (IF:18.96). Mr. Zixiong Sun and Associate Professor Chunrui Ma are the first. Associate Professor Ming Liu and Professor Hong Wang are the communications writers.
Ultrahigh energy storage density of 52.4 J cm−3 with great efficiency of 72.3% has been achieved at room temperature by interface engineering of epitaxial multilayers based on environment-friendly BCT and BZT dielectrics. The electric breakdown strength and thus energy storage density are significantly improved by increasing the number of interfaces in the multilayer systems, which effectively impede the spread and growth of the electric trees, revealed by numerical simulations based on finite element method. Most importantly, the N = 4 multilayer systems exhibit excellent thermal stability with energy density of ≈34.8 J cm−3 and efficiency of ≈75.1% over wide temperature range from RT to 140 °C, which are the highest values obtained up to now in the Pb-free material systems and comparable to the best energy storage performance reported for the Pb-based systems. Our results demonstrate that interface engineering is an effective way in tuning/improving the energy storage performances in the BCT/BZT multilayer systems. The outstanding performances of energy storage provide solid basis for widespread applications of the thin film systems in modern electronic and power modules in harsh working environments.

This research was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51390472 and 51372195), National “973” projects of China (Grant Nos. 2015CB654903 and 2015CB654603), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant Nos. 2015M572554 and 2015M582649) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities.