Second Sino-German Symposium on Advanced
Electron Microscopy and Spectroscopy in Materials Science, 12–16 October 2017,
Xi’an, China
The second Sino-German Symposium on
Advanced Electron Microscopy and Spectroscopy in Materials Science was held in
Xi’an Jiaotong University in Xi’an, China. The four day symposium was organised
by Rafal Dunin-Borkowski from the Ernst Ruska-Centre for Microscopy and
Spectroscopy with Electrons in Forschungszentrum Jülich, Wolfgang Jäger from
the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel as well as Chunlin Jia and Zhiwei
Shan from the School of Materials Science and Engineering in Xi’an Jiaotong University.
The event attracted more than 90
participants from more than 25 research institutes and universities, including
more than 50 students and young scholars. During 12 scientific sessions that
comprised more than 40 presentations given by invited experts from China,
Germany, Denmark, Australia and the United States, the participants discussed
current developments and challenges in advanced and in situ electron microscopy
and spectroscopy, including aberration-corrected electron microscopy, in situ characterisation
methods, correlative methods, and their applications to current and future
materials science problems and to the processing of materials for the future
development of materials and devices.

A wide spectrum of methodological and
materials research topics was covered, including (1) novel instrumentation and
imaging and spectroscopic methods in aberration-corrected high-resolution and
scanning transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and related novel developments,
such as electron ptychography and electron wavefront engineering, (2) advances
in high-resolution and scanning TEM and in simulations of atomically-resolved
elemental maps, (3) advances in electron spectroscopy and spectrum imaging for
probing plasmonic properties of nanomaterials, the electronic structure of
interfaces, and magnetic circular dichroism, (4) imaging of fields using
differential phase contrast imaging and quantitative off-axis holography for
the characterization of the electrical and magnetic properties of materials and
devices, (5) in situ and environmental transmission electron microscopy,
involving nanometre-scale investigations of materials, reactions and processes
at different temperatures in gases and liquids, and the development of novel
methods and instrumentation for the in situ manipulation and measurement of
nanomaterials, (6) novel developments in oxides and ferroics, (7) applications
of electron microscopy and spectroscopy and correlative scanning TEM-atom probe
tomography to advanced materials research on structural and functional
materials, including two-dimensional materials, soft materials, materials for
applications in bioscience, materials for hydrogen storage, materials for solar
cells, catalytic materials, nanostructured and nanoporous functional materials,
devices, metallic alloys, composite materials, and structural materials for
industrial engineering.
The symposium presented insights into many
current research areas related to materials for energy technology,
nanotechnology, future nanoelectronics, transport, product development, and the
environment. The novel developments in instrumentation and materials that were
presented documented the impressive progress that has been made possible by
applying aberration-corrected electron microscopy to the characterisation and
understanding of novel materials and devices and their properties. It was shown
that correlative approaches that involve the application of different
characterisation techniques to the same problem and the use of in situ and
environmental transmission electron microscopy can be used to provide an
improved understanding of the fundamental properties of structures and
mechanisms and of reactions in materials and on surfaces on the atomic and
molecular scale.
This outstanding and well attended
symposium reflected the large interest in these research areas and provided
valuable opportunities to establish collaborations through academic student
exchange and scholarship programmes, collaborative projects, international
workshops and teaching, which will accelerate research collaborations between
Germany and China in the fields of electron microscopy and materials science.
It also provided a forum for discussions between sponsoring companies and the
conference participants. The next workshop in the series is planned to be held
in Beijing in 2018.
The detailed programme of the symposium is
available here.
The organisers are grateful for generous
financial support from Xi’an Jiaotong University, Forschungszentrum Jülich,
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Hitachi High Technologies, DENSSolutions, Nanomegas,
CEOS, Leica and LOT Quantum Design.